Saturday, July 9, 2011

Grants to be revoked for violation of Sanctuary Cities Law

The Texas Sanctuary City Bill, formally known as Senate Bill 9, has been a topic of controversy since its arrival. The bill makes it illegal for city, county and local government agencies to prevent law enforcement from questioning those taken into custody about their legal immigration status. Further, it requires local governments to assist, when necessary, in federal investigation of legal status, and to accommodate space in jails for those arrested. With Senate Bill 9 up for approval, new concerns have arisen. The bill requires that those communities in violation of the new sanctuary city laws would lose their federal grant money.
Julian Aguilar of the Texas Tribune made the comical yet accurate comparison of this to "parents threatening to withhold allowance from a misbehaving child." However, Texas doesn't exactly have a large allowance in the first place. After recent budget cuts, even less money has been dealt to cities for their grant programs. Maybe the federal government should try handing out "time-outs" instead of denying their allowance.

The full article from the Texas Tribune can be found here:

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